Testing Smart Contracts

Unit testing is a critical part of smart contract development. The high stakes and rigid immutability of smart contracts demands even more emphasis on testing compared to traditional software. Unit tests ensures your contracts are performing correctly at the most fundamental level, acting as a vanguard in your defense against bugs.

In this article, we’ll learn:

  • Why unit testing is important for smart contracts,
  • How to write unit tests for smart contracts,
  • How to use static types and Typescript to test smart contracts,
  • Helpful tools and utilities you can use for complex assertions,
  • Other smart contract testing best practices.

New (17 August): Typescript & Typechain support!

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Why Unit Testing is Important for Smart Contracts

Reason 1: Smart Contracts are High Risk software

On a blockchain, a single mistake could cost you all of your funds - or worse, your users’ funds. The cost of failure are in the high tens or hundreds of millions of dollars! 💰🔥

Smart contract bugs can lead to extreme financial losses. The DAO Hack lost more than 11.5 million Ether (US$70M at the time of the hack, now over $2B) and the 2nd Parity Hack lost US$200M of user funds. Today, with a TVL of over $2B, the DeFi space has a lot to lose should things go wrong. Bugs and hacks continue to affect major DeFi protocols today.

The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts are correct. A unit test provides a strict, written contract that the piece of code must satisfy. They help you identify edge cases and unexpected behaviour throughout the development cycle.

Some of the major smart contract hacks may have been prevented with more comprehensive testing. A comprehensive test suite helps to reduce and manage the risks associated with smart contract bugs.

Reason 2: Smart Contracts are Immutable

Software has an inherent need for evolvability in response to changing requirements, and smart contract systems are no different. Code will need to be changed if errors are discovered or if improvements need to be made. It is no good to discover a bug, but have no way to deal with it.

Unfortunately, upgrading smart contracts is difficult, especially so for critical components. Smart contracts are immutable by default. This means it’s impossible to upgrade the source code of an already deployed contract. Finding even a tiny bug means you need to redeploy your smart contracts, so the consequences of an error are huge. In this sense, developing smart contracts is closer to hardware programming than web development. There are no easy upgrade paths for smart contracts.

Upgradeability mechanisms such as proxies do exist, but not all smart contract systems use them. Reasons for this include:

  1. To preserve the immutable aspect of smart contracts, and
  2. To minimize the need for custody and governance.

In either case, initiating contract upgrades is not a trivial matter. Large-scale upgrades require community consensus and are therefore avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Catching potential bugs before launch reduces the need for an upgrade path. Unit tests ensures your code is performing correctly at the most fundamental level, acting as a critical first line of defense.

Summary: Yes, Unit Testing is Important

In short, the importance of good unit testing practices for smart contracts cannot be overstated. The high stakes when smart contracts go wrong and their limited upgradability forces us to take a more rigorous approach compared to traditional software.

Unit testing plays a critical role in the smart contract development process. Unit tests are simple to write and quick to run, and let you add features and fix bugs in your contracts with confidence. No moving fast and breaking things here!

Hands-On: Getting Started with Writing Unit Tests

I’ve published a testing-solidity Truffle project that contains the contracts, tests, and utilities we’ll use in the rest of this article.

The Github repo is available here. It’s open source and publicly available for your learning. Star the repo if you found it helpful! 💫

To follow along, just clone and install:

git clone git@github.com:yosriady/testing-solidity.git
cd testing-solidity
yarn test

For the rest of this article, we’ll write tests for this Counter smart contract:

pragma solidity ^0.6.10;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";

contract Counter is AccessControl {
    uint private _value;
    uint private _lastUpdatedAt;

    bytes32 public constant PUBLISHER_ROLE = keccak256("PUBLISHER_ROLE");

    event Published(address indexed source, uint newValue);

    constructor(uint initialValue) public {
        _value = initialValue;

        // Grant the admin role to the contract deployer
        _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);

        // Grant the publisher role to the contract deployer
        _setupRole(PUBLISHER_ROLE, msg.sender);

     * @notice Publish a new value for the counter.
     * @param newValue The new value
    function publish(uint newValue) public {
      require(hasRole(PUBLISHER_ROLE, msg.sender), "Caller is not a publisher.");
      require(now > _lastUpdatedAt + 60 minutes, "Updates must be between at least an hour apart.");
      _value = newValue;
      _lastUpdatedAt = now;
      emit Published(msg.sender, newValue);

     * @notice Read the counter's value.
     * @return The counter's current value.
    function read() public view returns (uint) {
        return _value;

This Counter contract:

  • Has two functions publish() and read().
  • Only whitelisted Publishers can publish(), and only once every hour.
  • Anyone can read().

Let’s get started!

Writing Unit Tests

When you write unit tests for a Solidity smart contract, you test with its contract abstractions in Javascript. You don’t actually write tests in Solidity.

Truffle uses Mocha and Chai to provide you with a solid framework from which to write your contract tests in Javascript (or Typescript.) Here’s an example test suite:

// test/Counter.test.ts

const Counter = artifacts.require("Counter");

contract('Counter', (accounts) => {
  const [ owner ] = accounts;

  let counter: CounterInstance;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    counter = await Counter.new(INITIAL_VALUE, { from: owner });

  it('initializes with an initial value', async () => {
    const value = await counter.read();

    // Chai Expect

    // Chai Assert
    assert.equal(value.toNumber(), INITIAL_VALUE);
    assert.typeOf(value.toNumber(), 'number');

A contract() and it() clause wraps a test suite and a test case respectively. Both contract() and it() callbacks are run in the order they are defined (from top to bottom.)

Mocha provides the hooks before(), beforeEach(), after(), and afterEach(). These should be used to set up preconditions and clean up after your tests. For us, we use beforeEach to deploy the Counter contract we want to test. Note that test contracts are only deployed to a local chain and cleaned at the end of execution.

Tests can appear before, after, or interspersed with your hooks. Hooks will run in the order they are defined, as appropriate; all before() hooks run (once), then any beforeEach() hooks, tests, any afterEach() hooks, and finally after() hooks (once).

Truffle comes preconfigured with the Chai assertion library, which comes in two flavours:

  • expect which uses the BDD style, and
  • assert which provides the classic assert-dot notation, similar to that packaged with Node.js.

Let’s look at what’s happening in our first test case.

Our First Unit Test

let counter: CounterInstance;

beforeEach(async () => {
  // Deploy Counter contract
  counter = await Counter.new(INITIAL_VALUE, { from: owner });

it('initializes with an initial value', async () => {
  const value = await counter.read();


In this test case:

  • First, we deploy our Counter contract in a beforeEach() clause.
  • Within the it() clause, we check that the value returned from Counter.read() is equal to the value passed in during deployment.

Run truffle test, and you’ll get a summary of your unit tests.

 Contract: Counter
    ✓ initializes with an initial value

Typescript Support Included!

Did you notice that we have static types in our test? We use Typescript and typechain to generate types for our contracts.

Static Types

This works with any IDE supporting Typescript. You will never call a non-existent method again!

TypeChain is code generator - it takes in your contract ABIs and generates Typescript classes based on it. We run typechain every time we recompile our contracts:

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "compile": "truffle compile && yarn generate-types && tsc",
  "generate-types": "typechain --target=truffle-v5 'build/contracts/*.json'",
  "test": "yarn compile && truffle test ./build/test/**"

Running yarn test will:

  • Call truffle compile to recompile your contracts and generate ABIs, and
  • Call typechain to generate classes and types based on the latest ABIs.

Then, you can reference these types in your tests:

// test/Counter.test.ts
import { CounterInstance } from "../types/truffle-contracts";

let counter: CounterInstance;


Testing Protected Functions

Our example Counter contract uses an AccessControl scheme where only whitelisted Publishers are allowed to call publish(). We want to write unit tests to make sure the following holds true:

  1. Only addresses with the Publisher role can call publish() successfully.
  2. Calls from addresses without the Publisher role should revert.

To test contracts as different accounts, Truffle provides an accounts array which contains 10 addresses by default:

contract('Counter', (accounts) => {
  const [ owner, other ] = accounts;


We can override any contract call with a { from } argument to send transactions as that address:

const {
  expectRevert, // Assertions for transactions that should fail
} = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');


const [ owner, other ] = accounts;


it('non-publishers cannot call publish', async () => {
  const isPublisher = await counter.hasRole(PUBLISHER_ROLE, other);

  await expectRevert(
    counter.publish(9000, { from: other }),
    "Caller is not a publisher."

Testing Reverts

In the above test case, we call publish() from the other address who is not a publisher. We use expectRevert from the @openzeppelin/test-helpers library to assert that the transaction reverts.

Testing Events

In our next test case, we call publish from a publisher address:

const {
  expectEvent,  // Assertions for emitted events
} = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');

it('publishers can call publish', async () => {

  const receipt = await counter.publish(NEW_VALUE, { from: owner });

  expectEvent(receipt, 'Published', { source: owner, newValue: new BN(NEW_VALUE) });


We use expectEvent from the @openzeppelin/test-helpers library to check that the proper Published event is emitted.

Grouping Common Behaviours

Our example Counter contract inherits from an AccessControl contract. We want to assert that any inherited behaviour still behave as expected in Counter. After all, functions could be overriden anywhere in the inheritance tree.

A modular way to test inherited behaviour is define a separate AccessControl.behaviour.ts test suite:

// test/AccessControl.behaviour.ts

const DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';

function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl(ctx: any, owner: string) {
  it('deployer has default admin role', async () => {
    const hasAdminRole = await ctx().hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, owner)

module.exports = shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl;

We can use this in the Counter test suite as shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl:

// test/Counter.test.ts

const shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl = require('./AccessControl.behaviour');

contract('Counter', (accounts) => {
  const [ owner, other ] = accounts;

  let counter: CounterInstance;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    // Deploy Counter contract
    counter = await Counter.new(INITIAL_VALUE, { from: owner });

  shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl(() => counter, owner);


Splitting common behaviour into behaviour-specific test suites gives us a modular way to verify inherited behaviour across multiple smart contracts!

How to Time Travel ⏳🏃‍♂️💨

Smart contracts can implement time-related logic such as cooldowns and rounds. Our Counter requires that an hour has passed between calls to publish():

// Counter.sol

function publish(uint newValue) public {
  require(now > _lastUpdatedAt + 60 minutes, "Updates must be between at least an hour apart.");

Obviously, we’re not going to stick around or sleep for an hour in our tests! We can time travel with our test helpers:

const {
  time,         // Time manipulation
} = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');

it('subsequent publishes must wait for at least an hour', async () => {
  await counter.publish(9001, { from: owner });

  await expectRevert(
    counter.publish(9002, { from: owner }),
    "Updates must be between at least an hour."

  await time.increase(3720); // 1 hour 2 minutes
  await counter.publish(9002, { from: owner });

  const newValue = await counter.read();

The time module from the @openzeppelin/test-helpers library lets you move forward in time or to specific blocks.

Calculating Test Coverage

You can use solidity-coverage to calculate the test coverage of your unit tests. This plugin is included in our sample project. Run yarn coverage to generate a report:

  Contract: Counter
    ✓ deployer has default admin role (54ms)
    ✓ initializes with an initial value (79ms)
    ✓ non-publishers cannot call publish (177ms)
    ✓ publishers can call publish (243ms)

  4 passing (2s)

File          |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 contracts/   |      100 |       75 |      100 |      100 |                |
  Counter.sol |      100 |       75 |      100 |      100 |                |
All files     |      100 |       75 |      100 |      100 |                |

Code coverage tools help you spot any untested code. Make sure that all branches are covered!

Testing Gas Usage

You can use eth-gas-reporter to calculate the gas usage per unit test as well as the average gas usage per method. Here’s an example report:

  Contract: Counter
    ✓ deployer has default admin role
    ✓ initializes with an initial value
    ✓ non-publishers cannot call publish (22876 gas)
    ✓ publishers can call publish (50070 gas)

|      Solc version: 0.6.10+commit.00c0fcaf       ·  Optimizer enabled: false  ·  Runs: 200  ·  Block limit: 6721975 gas  │
|  Methods                                        ·               45 gwei/gas                ·       216.96 eur/eth       │
|  Contract    ·  Method                          ·  Min         ·  Max        ·  Avg        ·  # calls     ·  eur (avg)  │
|  Counter     ·  DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE()            ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  getRoleAdmin(bytes32)           ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  getRoleMember(bytes32,uint256)  ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  getRoleMemberCount(bytes32)     ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  grantRole(bytes32,address)      ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  hasRole(bytes32,address)        ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  publish(uint256)                ·           -  ·          -  ·      50070  ·           1  ·       0.49  │
|  Counter     ·  PUBLISHER_ROLE()                ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  read()                          ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  renounceRole(bytes32,address)   ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Counter     ·  revokeRole(bytes32,address)     ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Migrations  ·  last_completed_migration()      ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Migrations  ·  owner()                         ·           -  ·          -  ·          -  ·           0  ·          -  │
|  Migrations  ·  setCompleted(uint256)           ·           -  ·          -  ·      27341  ·           1  ·       0.27  │
|  Deployments                                    ·                                          ·  % of limit  ·             │
|  Counter                                        ·      905248  ·     905260  ·     905250  ·      13.5 %  ·       8.84  │
|  Migrations                                     ·           -  ·          -  ·     164391  ·       2.4 %  ·       1.60  │

Gas reports can be helpful for optimizing gas usage. They help you identify the gas-guzzlers amongst your smart contracts.

This plugin is also included for you in the testing-solidity sample project. Simply clone and run it! 😀

That’s it! We’ve learned how to unit test smart contracts:

  • How to test protected functions by calling as other addresses,
  • How to check for reverted transactions,
  • How to check for emitted events,
  • How to fast forward time,
  • How to modularize tests of inherited behaviours,
  • How to calculate code coverage, and
  • How to get reports on gas usage.

Other Testing Best Practices

Unit tests are an important vanguard in your line of defence against bugs. However, unit testing should not be the only tool in your repertoire! Consider a layered security approach.

Layered security

Other techniques you can use to help secure smart contracts include static analysis, continuous integration, security audits, and formal verification. Every layer you add enhances the overall security of your system. The more layers, the better.

In Closing

The high stakes and rigid immutability of smart contracts demands even more emphasis on testing compared to traditional software development. Unit tests help verify that your application behaves exactly as you intended. We covered:

  • Why unit testing is important for smart contracts,
  • How to write unit tests for smart contracts,
  • Helpful tools and utilities you can use for complex assertions,
  • Other smart contract testing best practices.

Now go forth and build robust smart contract systems!

What’s your smart contract testing setup like? Feel free to comment below with your questions and feedback. 🙂